Medical marijuana bill re-introduced in Florida

“…Florida Attorney General candidate Bill Wohlsifer said:

Senator Jeff Clemens stepped up to the plate in 2011 and he just keeps on swinging. But this time he has public opinion on his side; finally. Today in the Capitol rotunda I observed patients, their family and friends speak in support of Sen. Clemens and Rep. Joe Saunders’ reintroduction of the Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act. They told their stories of how systemic marijuana use has cured an illness or revitalized a patient’s standard of living and asked their legislators to not treat these patients as criminals. The last time I was in the Capitol Building concerning the CJMCA (which I wrote in 2012) I was there, along with Mrs. Jordan and Jodi James, to join Rep. Katie Edwards in a press conference announcing that the proposed bill had died in committee under Republican leadership, without debate, during the 2013 legislative session. Today, I witnessed overwhelming support for this common sense bill. What a difference a year makes. Issues that Libertarians have supported since 1972, such as same-sex marriage and legalizing marijuana have finally found their way into Florida’s political debate.”

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