Bill Wohlsifer

NPR Begins series on Attorney General Race

Three Candidates Vie To Challenge Attorney General Bondi But Only One, A Libertarian, Is Guaranteed

Tallahassee attorney Bill Wohlsifer is running as the Libertarian Party of Florida candidate for Attorney General. Wohlsifer is challenging incumbent AG Pam Bondi (R).
NPR series part 1.

Against All Odds

Bill Wohlsifer (LPF), candidate for Attorney General in the state of Florida, knows he is looked at as the quintessential underdog by most Floridians. He is a third party candidate in a political system that has been largely run by the two behemoth parties for basically all of American history. 

This does not frighten the man who wants to be the next Attorney General of Florida, though. He understands that even though he is looking at an uphill battle where he is left off of straw polls, and is being all but completely ignored by the media, his message is one that speaks to the people of Florida.

Even with the media brownout, Bill Wohlsifer continues on the campaign trail, spreading a message that deals with the issues Floridians truly care about. This is apparent with recent polls showing Bill receiving between 5 and 7 percent of the vote, even with being left of mock ballots being produced by Supervisors of Elections in counties across the state. 

Especially glaring is the fact that these polls also show that roughly 16 percent of the voters are unsure on which of the candidates would best represent them as their Attorney General. Mr. Wohlsifer believes if he can prove to those constituents he is the candidate who cares about their vision for the future of Florida he will be polling at 23 percent, and will only be 10 percent away from a victory in the three way race. 

There are many allegories that can be drawn about Bill Wohlsifer and his quest for being elected the next Attorney General of Florida. Some may cite Frank Sinatra, and that ant trying to move a rubber tree plant. Others may cite the biblical tale of David, fighting the massive Goliath. Yet it seems as though the most fitting is the children’s tale of the Little Engine That Could. Even with all of the odds stacked against him, he continues to trudge on, working all day every day to earn every vote, having complete faith that the people of Florida will hear his message.

Whether Mr. Wohlsifer is seen as a brave David, or a confident Little Engine That Could, it is obvious to all who meet him that, even as a first time and third party candidate, he is campaigning for the people of Florida, more so than the candidates from the other two parties. 

Matt Wright is a writer and political activist living in south Florida. He has a BS in communications and is currently working for the Bill Wohlsifer for Attorney General campaign. To hear more from Matt you can follow him on Twitter at @mrwright79 or Like him on Facebook.

Steering Voters Does Not Lead to Fair and Open Elections

Real estate is a profession encumbered by countless regulations and rules that must be adhered to in order to assure that no wrong doing or discrimination occurs. One of the many rules that must be followed by agents is that one must not engage in “steering”. 

Steering is described as the discriminatory practice of maneuvering an individual away from a home in a neighborhood the real estate agent doesn’t want the individual to consider for whatever reason. Essentially, the agent must show a client every available option on the market, if that option is within the realms of the clients’ criteria. If the agent has committed the act of steering they can be suspended, or lose their license permanently. 

This was a law put into place by the Government in order to prevent wrongful discrimination based on a person’s beliefs, race, or creed. Why is it then that individuals and their bought-and-paid-for Government have the ability to steer voters toward certain candidates, while omitting other candidates who meet the same criteria? 

Recently, the Collier County Supervisor of Elections was conducting a mock election at a public Candidate Forum at the Golden Gate Community Center. Much like with the responsibilities of a Realtor®, one would assume that all qualifying candidates would be on the mock ballot. In the race for Attorney General there were three names on the ballot, none of which was the name of the qualified Libertarian candidate, Bill Wohlsifer.  

When the Supervisor of Elections was asked why his name was left off the ballot even though he had met the same criteria and paid the same fees as the others on the ballot the SOE explained, “The organizers of the event choose who to put on the mock ballot.” 

If a candidate has qualified should he, or she, be left off of individually or associational funded election materials presented by the people who oversee the election process, or should they be required to include all qualified candidates on all publicly funded election materials? By allowing these entities paying for the straw polls to leave off any qualified candidate the Government is basically allowing the steering of the public toward the candidates these groups feel the voters should be choosing from. 

This is just a form of discrimination that opens the door of opportunity for a corporately funded straw poll to pick and choose any candidates to place on mock ballots, based on what they want the ballot to look like, and pay the Supervisor of Election to put out the ballot. Even the Office of Director, Division of Elections stated in an email that, “There are no specific rules or statutes that govern these types of activities.” If they can leave off any qualified candidate what is to stop them to leaving off all candidates who weren’t the personal choice of the people who have essentially paid the Supervisor of Elections? 

By leaving off a candidate with all of the same qualifications as other candidates the Government, and those paying for the straw polls to be conducted, are not allowing the public to make educated choices on who they would like to elect into office. They are restricting the publics’ choice, and by doing so they are committing the punishable act of steering. They are attempting to run our lives by not allowing us to see the full range of options. They are hindering the publics’ knowledge of the candidates and the issues. If we, as a people, do not hold our Government accountable for providing the public with all information they have the ability to control our future by limiting our choices.

We cannot allow the Government to limit our choices, and we need to demand honest and complete consideration by those who run our elections, and not have them dictated by whatever political action committee or lobbying group is willing to put forward the money to stage one of these mock elections. If we don’t run our government, the government will continue to run us, and they will be run by those who pay them to give us our information. 

Matt Wright is a writer and political activist living in south Florida. He has a BS in communications and is currently working for the Bill Wohlsifer for Attorney General campaign. To hear more from Matt you can follow him on Twitter at @mrwright79 or Like him on Facebook.

Consumer Protection Should Respect All Forms of Life

Consumer protection reaches out past the arm of the person who is picking up the bill. The person who is paying has many different concerns that deserve to be protected. This reaches beyond significant others and other immediate family, but also to the pets that are every bit a part of the families who love them as any other member. Many people have hit the streets in the past to protest and speak out against large companies, such as Monsanto, in attempt to enhance consumer protection. Even with all of the voices out there demanding GMO labeling, there is a large section of our country who haven’t had their nonexistent voices heard, because less people think about them than think about themselves when it comes to basic consumer protection. Although we consider our four-legged friends members of our family, the law considers them to be chattel, or personal property. Being that they are our property, and of course family, we should know if they are ingesting genetically modified organisms. These GMO riddled foods could be causing a slue of unwanted issues in the lives of the pets we care about.

Florida has also enacted different zoning ordinances that make it illegal for any of our pets, who have not gone through the neutering process, to be on public property. While almost all pet owners can agree that spaying and neutering is a humane, and responsible, practice, it should not be a mandate by the state in order to appear in public. Imagine if they passed a law making it illegal for men who have not had a vasectomy, or women who have not had their tubes tied, to be on public property, the public outcry would be vast and loud. That is a personal decision for pet owners to make on their own, when they are ready to make that decision. They, and their dogs, should not be banned from a leisurely stroll in the park if they feel the time for neutering isn’t right, for whatever reason they deem fit.

Luckily, for all the pet owners in the state of Florida, Bill Wohlsifer (LPF), candidate for Attorney General, is a huge supporter of protecting the animals we hold dear to heart. He advocates prosecuting manufacturers of toxic pet foods. He wants to work diligently to shut down puppy mills, where profits are more important than the welfare of the animals being caged and bred. Mr. Wohlsifer wants to also target any animal competition that is not under the oversight of the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. A true humanitarian, he and his wife, have contributed to multiple animal protection groups, including the Flagler Humane Society, the Folke Peterson Wildlife Center, and the Saint Francis Wildlife Refuge over the years.

Bill Wohlsifer respects all forms of life, which is evident due to the fact that he hasn’t eaten beef, pork, as well as many other animals for the past 17 years. He is also one of the few in the world who will safely remove an insect from inside his house, rather than just swat them like so many others would. Mr. Wohlsifer believes in freedom, and life, for both the citizens of Florida and the pets they care for and love, because as he understands, they are family too.


Matt Wright is a writer and political activist living in south Florida. He has a BS in communications and is currently working for the Bill Wohlsifer for Attorney General campaign. To hear more from Matt you can follow him on Twitter at @mrwright79 or Like him on Facebook.

Pam Bondi Disregards U.S. Marijuana Patent Showing Medicinal Benefits

How can any logical person read the claims made in U.S. Patent 6630507 and not see the hypocrisy of the federal government’s prohibition against medicinal use, when the U.S. itself attests to its efficiency to treat many known diseases?

The U.S. owns the patent to medical marijuana. They (we) obtained the patent in 2003, when the U.S. DHSS government found “cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases such as; ischemia, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune. The cannabinoids are found to have particular applications as Neuro-Protectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and traumatic injury. It has also had an impact in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Dementia, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and AIDS. Non-psychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidoil (CBD), are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention.” Paraphrased from the text of the Abstract of the US Patent, Please see for yourself at: USTPO

Marijuana is listed as a Schedule I (the most restrictive) drug under section 893.03(1), Florida Statutes (2013). A drug is classified for Schedule I of Florida’s controlled substance list if scientific evidence shows that the drug: 1) has a high potential for abuse; 2) has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States; and 3) its use under medical supervision does not meet accepted safety standards.

Section 893.0355(2), Florida Statutes, delegates authority to the Florida Attorney General “to adopt rules rescheduling specified substances to a less controlled schedule, or deleting specified substances from a schedule . . . .” On December 12, 2012,

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, responding to petitions received from the Cannabis Action Network (CAN), flatly refused to reschedule marijuana or to even consider the proposal. If I am elected to the Office of Florida Attorney General, I will use the power vested in that office to remove marijuana for medicinal purposes from Schedule I. I tried to do this when I drafted the Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act, which the Republicans buried in committee. Elect Bill Wohlsifer for Attorney General, and I will get it done, without the need to amend the constitution or lobby the legislature. Now ask yourselves, how could Pam Bondi read U.S. Patent 6630507 and not find sufficient support in favor of rescheduling?

By Bill Wohlsifer


United States Patent and Trademark Office (October 7,2003).

Florida Legislature (December 24, 2013).

2012 Florida Statutes.

Jodi James (December 12, 2012). Florida’s Attorney General Responds to FLCAN.

Florida House of Representatives (2013). HB 1139.

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Paid political advertisement by Committee to Elect Bill Wohlsifer, 1100 East Park Ave Ste B, Tallahassee FL 32301. Approved in advance by Bill Wohlsifer.

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